Collection Of Articles About Major Earthquakes In The World

Define Earthquake : The Causes of Earthquakes


Earthquake Damage

Earthquake is natural and we do not expect his presence. Here I tried to decipher some of the causes of earthquakes occurring in this world.

  The main factors of the earthquake is due to the release of energy generated by the pressure exerted by a moving plate.
When the pressure is enlarged and can not be detained again by the earth, that's when the earthquake struck.

The Causes of Earthquakes :

 - Earthquakes usually occur between two different plates. A place where the compressional and translational plates meet, then it is likely there will be a terrible earthquake.

 - Earthquakes can also occur due to the eruption of a volcano or more we are familiar with volcanic earthquakes

 - Earthquakes can also occur because of accumulated huge mass of water behind the dam, such as the Caribbean Dam in Zambia, Africa

 - Earthquakes can also occur due to injection or akstraksi fluid from / into the earth

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