Collection Of Articles About Major Earthquakes In The World

Earthquake History : Three Major Earthquakes in 1999

Three Major Earthquakes in 1999, among other:

Taiwan earthquake on September 21, 1999.
Earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale. 2400 death toll in this earthquake.

Taiwan earthquake Picture

Taiwan Earthquake 1999

Earth quake in 1999

The earthquake that occurred in western Turkey on August 17, 1999.
Earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale, 17,000 lives have been lost.

Turkey Earthquake Picture

Turkey Earthquake

Turkey earth quake

The earthquake that occurred in western Colombia on January 25, 1999.
Earthquake measuring 6 magnitude and claimed 1171 lives.

Colombia Earthquake Picture

Colombian Earthquake

Colombian Earth quake 1999

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